Bitcoin Diamond Mining Pools Review

Mining Bitcoin Diamond in a pool is the perfect starting point for regular income from crypto. The structure of every pool is practically the same. All participants combine their hashing power to find a new block much faster, than a single miner, who tries to do it alone. For some of you, the reward split after each new block in a pool can hinder your willingness to join, but in the long run, you’ll get more in return.

Make sure to optimize your profitability by choosing correctly. You can even predict your future rewards by using the dedicated BCD calculator. In this article, I am going to point out important aspects of choosing the best Bitcoin diamond pool for your needs and help readers calculate how much profit to expect.

General Information
Bitcoin Diamond (BCD)

1.00000000 BCD

Total Hashrate: N/A
Difficulty Level: N/A
Block Time: 26 sec
Actual Block Reward: 62.50 BCD

Best Bitcoin Diamond Mining Pools

The factors in this section apply to all mineable coins on the market. In case you are not deeply involved in crypto, you can simply choose a pool by its size and hash rate distribution. The catch here is that big pools offer stability and regular income, but they charge a bit more. On the other hand, smaller ones don’t have low limit payouts.

Here is a table of comparison, including the best Bitcoin Diamond mining pools.

Pool Website Market Share/Hash PWR Server Locations Reward System Pool Fee Get all Details
43 %
43 %
  • PPS (pay per share)
Read Review
31 %
31 %
  • PPS (pay per share)
Read Review
16.0 %
16.0 %
  • PPS (pay per share)
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
5 %
5 %
  • PPS (pay per share)
Read Review

*The values are roughly estimated and not 100% accurate. Can’t be taken as a constant.

Your decision on a pool can be affected by other factors as well. Visiting the walkthrough will provide you with all the necessary information. You can learn more about the different types of reward systems and how to best decide on choosing a pool.

List of Mining Pools Without Registration

The main concern that dictates your choice to join a pool without registering, is privacy. The most commonly requested information when creating an account is your email address, username and wallet address. If you’re reluctant to share that type of data with the administrators of a mining pool, feel free to skip it and pick the alternative presented below:

Name Fee Pool Url Worker Password
5% Your_Public_BCD_Address Any

This coin is mined with GPUs. So far so good. You have installed Nvidia or AMD mining software on your computer. You need to edit your configuration file and then copy/paste the quickstart parameters I have provided below (the pool’s URL). This way you will be logging into the pool from your location. It will all work out well because the pool will have a connection with both your rig and wallet.

How to Calculate Profits from BCD Mining Pools

Values and numbers in the crypto ecosystem are constantly changing. All calculations are based on current data about the difficulty and market price. Pretty much being 100% accurate is out of the list of possibilities. It is recommendable to calculate everything frequently and especially before each big decision. This is done with the help of the user-friendly calculator. The profitability to be estimated from joining a Bitcoin Diamond mining pool, fill in the empty fields by entering your miner’s hashrate, power consumption, electricity cost, pool fee and click on “calculate”.

Estimate the cloud mining rates even faster. Here you leave out the power consumption and power cost fields. Calculate the rest. I suggest you see the results and decide if they can cover your cloud mining costs or not.

The other parameters are automatically added. Don’t get confused by the color of the boxes. They are still adjustable. Click on each and change them, in case you want to see the results based on different numbers for network difficulty or coin price.

Mini Mining Profit Calculator

Estimated Income and Profits for Bitcoin Diamond Mining

Why not calculate your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly profit with just one click? What’s more, you can even check how much coins you are going to mine and how much money you will spend on electricity costs for each period. The values provided will be approximations.

How to Setup Your Own Bitcoin Diamond Mining Pool

This adventure requires free time, a lot of resources and advanced knowledge. You need users, which will connect to your Bitcoin Diamond mining pool and be charged a fee for that service. Those participants will form a big part of your income. The more contributors, the more profit you will make.

Now, here are the minimum requirements in case you want to make a pool yourself:

Step by Step Video Guide for setting up Your own Bitcoin Diamond Pool
Minimum Requirements
  • Dual Core CPU
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 300GB of hard disk space to house the blockchain for this coin
  • Unlimited bandwidth usage incoming and outgoing traffic depends on how much users are connected to your pool
  • Dedicated public IP address for guaranteed uptime I recommend a VPS

When you have the desire to own a mining pool, but the required hardware is hard to find, you can rent a VPS server (Virtual Private Server). They have all the needed minimum specifications. What is left for you to do, is install the mining software and start making money. This method makes you forget about electricity, hardware, downtimes, and bandwidth.

Distribution of Bitcoin Diamond Pools

When cryptocurrency is debated, everyone thinks of blockchain technology. Many countries deny its purpose, but others embrace the idea for better causes. The blockchain can be used in many fields of business. Many countries turned their back on crypto, while others embraced it. This is done in most cases through regulations. If you pick one of those five digital coins friendly nations, you will be more than happy with the results.

Pool Distribution (calculate by blocks)Pie chart with a comparison of the Bitcoin Diamond pools based on mining power
Pool Hashrate Share

Bitcoin Diamond timeline

Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) code has a lot in common with Bitcoin Core. The difference here is that BCD multiplied the supply by 10. It also implements replay protection for extra security.

The software of BCD had been forked several times to keep up with the trends and provide further improvements. They have protected their users via a feature known as encryption.

People mine it in pools and use it for small transactions and purchases because it is safe and quick.

One block is processed for 10 minutes and contains 8MB of information. BCD is faster than BTC and is mined with less powerful computers.


What is the reward for finding a block?
It is 25 BCD for now.
What is the Bitcoin Diamond mining pools reward systems?
Every Bitcoin Diamond pool has a different reward system. Usually, each system is proportionally dividing the incomes between miners.
Is it possible to use a hash rental or cloud mining for Bitcoin Diamond?
Yes, some of the cloud mining and hash rental services support the Bitcoin Diamond algorithm. If you want to know some more, I would recommend you to search Mining Rig Rentals, Hashing24 or Genesis Mining – the top performing cloud providers.

Alexander May

With consistent industry knowledge and a proven track record in implementing strategic mining pool diversification strategies, Alexander is a passionate supporter of cryptocurrency mining. He stands behind the idea of building decentralized economies to alleviate global inequality.